Wednesday 16 March 2016


Mystery wallet hack.

3 Localbitcoins users including myself attempted to withdraw small amounts of bitcoins from our 2FA protected wallets and ended up losing all the balance in the wallet. To withdraw one has to enter destination address, amount of BTC and 2FA code or password if you don’t have 2FA enabled. One user had 2FA and myself just password. Unfortunately after clicking sent all the users bitcoins were sent to unknown addresses.

(21-Feb-2016) Myself, user bristol ( lost 65 BTC
(15-Feb-2016)User Geforce ( lost 66 BTC but was lucky to spot problem straight away. He contacted support and they managed to stop pending transaction. Localbitcoins returned the bitcoins to him shortly after.
I was also informed that there was a 3rd victim but wasn’t told who it was and how many BTC this person lost.
Localbitcoins has said that they have concluded their investigation and haven't found fault on their end. They said that they have gone through all the server logs and 3rd party security analysts performed some checks and all looked ok. They have not provided me with any evidence of this and it feels as if my case is not looked at carefully. The only commonalities they found were that all victims used chrome browsers and windows. support has failed to provide me with any report on what has happened and has refused to reimburse the lost btc. They are trying to put the blame on me and in my defense I have offered them to check my computer and try and find the fault as just day before there were no issues with withdrawals.

Here is briefly what happened:
Only 3 users were affected.
Users used chrome + windows.
It emptied users’ wallets so attacker knew how many bitcoins each user had
It wasn’t phishing or clipboard hack. No malware has been detected.
It happened in only space of one week.
Only high value users were affected.
No further attacks after localbitcoins started investigating it.
The bitcoins are still in the wallet used by the hacker

What makes me think localbitcoins is trying to hide something:
No further cases reported after they started investigating it. Perhaps ‘inside man’ is scared to be detected.
Localbitcoins haven’t changed their btc withdrawal process yet. For example extra email verification confirming destination address and amount sent. Looks like they are confident it won’t happen again but this contradicts their theory saying they don’t have clue about origin of the attack.
It’s been 3 weeks and they haven’t made any announcements about the incident and warned users using windows + chrome. Again looks like they are confident it won’t happen again.
They haven’t provided me with credentials of the external security analysts or detailed logs and simply want me to trust their word that they are not responsible.
Shortly after the incident I decided to perform test withdrawal. I used same PC and chrome browser and logged into my other localbitcoins account. I sent BTC out to my other wallet and transaction went through OK. This proved there’s no active malware/malicious script running on my PC.
I withdrew BTC from LBC using same PC and browser day before incident and it went through OK.
Also stolen BTC are still in the same wallet. Not gone through mixers like it usually happens after bitcoin thefts. Possibly employee/contractor not experienced with laundering just don’t know how to clean them.
That's the wallet stolen coins went to:

Also same time when the attacks happened localbitcoins were updating the site and things were all over the place for example feedbacks were in random order. Perhaps one of their contractors planted malicious script/code and deleted it after work's been done. 

I was also a victim of similar incident back in November. It was only me and one other user affected that time.  It is just weird it happened to me again out of thousands of other users.

I have offered Localbitcoins can examine my PC to find possible source of hack there but they refused doing it.
I feel very much disappointed by attitude towards this incident especially after putting through 20k trades in 3 years time and earning them over 190 BTC in fees.
You can verify it’s me (bristol) and other user (Geforce) by starting local trades with us via 

